Thursday 9 May 2013

Met Gala 2013 fashion fails

Oh my god.

Among the guests at the punk-themed Met gala were some of the worst-dressed celebrities I have ever seen.

Unfortunately I cannot include all of the worst-dressed, that would take all night.

Maybe for the next event.. or for this event I should mention the best dressed, kind of balance it out.

Amanda Seyfried: 'You know it's funny, I was actually about to leave the house when I decided to have some toast- but unfortunately I leaned too far over the toaster and my dress caught fire.. Was running late though so I didn't bother changing. The flames got the train a bit too'

Who knows
Ashley Olsen. I would say this has a more hippy vibe than punk. she should have put some flowers in her hair, gotten a drum to put over her shoulder and a massive peace sign on her forehead.

This is beyooooooooooon..d crazy. She seems to have gotten fire tips from Seyfried. I just think it's too over the top.. the cleavage and the boots and the belt and the split. At least her hair looks amazing, improves the look a bit.

Dakota Fanning's dress actually looks suitably punk-inspired from the front, but the back makes it look like she has some kind of skin disorder.

Giambattista Valli
What is up with the leggings with this dress?!!! Admittedly, when I think 'punk', I think fishnets, but with the dress? It looks like a halloween costume, or like it tried to have a peplum and failed. I'm a bit biased because I hate dipped hem dresses.. especially to this extent. Don't find them flattering at all, sorry Jessica Biel.

Riccardo Tisci
What the hell! Kim Kardashian in my opinion usually dresses quite well (expect for when she wears the high-waisted trousers) but this is a massive no. This dress was clearly not intended to be worn by a pregnant woman. The boobs are smothered down, giving her an unflattering shape. One of the very worst. There is no focal point to the design or pattern of this dress. AHHH. NO.

Riccardo Tisci
Madonna... I could see Kelly Osbourne trying to pull this off, not you! You are too old to even attempt it.. sorry. I wouldn't look at this and think 'this event was punk themed'. It seems like she should have a pair of handcuffs at the ready or something. So unflattering for her shape. Why do these celebrities have money if they don't know how to spend it?!?!!!

Who knows
Mary-Kate. Narnia: Ice queen's lost baby. Narnia in the 70's. Narnia hipster edition. Abba's tour in Narnia.

Riccardo Tisci
Rooney Mara. Gives a cheap wedding dress vibe.. or she was trying to wear a sexy dressing gown but she got the front caught in a shredder. Why does it have zips. I like the neckline, but that is all. I don't recognise her and now I have even less interest. Well done.

Zac Posen
I feel like this dress could potentially be pulled off by somebody else..Uma Thurman hasn't quite done it though. She could be.. head mermaid of the met gala.

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